Virtual Lunch with Leadership: Vice Provost Dr. Gillian Hayes 11.18.21

Dr. Gilian Hayes

Vice Provost for Graduate Education

Dean of the Graduate Division

Staff Assembly invites you to attend a virtual Lunch with Leadership event! This event provides staff members the opportunity to engage in casual conversation with various UCI leaders. Join us on November 18th at 12:00PM for lunch and conversation with Dr. Gillian Hayes, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate Division.

Gillian R. Hayes is Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate Division at UC Irvine. She is also the Robert A. and Barbara L. Kleist Professor of Informatics in the School of Information and Computer Sciences with courtesy appointments in computer science, education, and pediatrics. As dean of the Graduate Division, Dr. Hayes leads campus efforts to recruit a dynamic, diverse, and excellence set of graduate students and post-doctoral scholars, ensure their ability to thrive as scholars at UCI, and help them launch their careers. Her research interests are in human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, assistive and educational technologies, and health informatics. Specifically, she designs, develops, and evaluates technologies to empower people to use collected data to address real human needs in sensitive and ethically responsible ways. As part of this work, she co-directs the global Jacobs CERES research network. Dr. Hayes is a Jacobs Foundation Senior Research Fellow alumna and a Kavli Fellow from the National Academy of Sciences. When not working, Dr. Hayes can usually be found spending time with her family, walking her giant unwieldy dog, baking, or volunteering in the community.

DATEThursday, November 18, 2021
12:00 to 1:00 PM
CONTACTKaeleigh Hayakawa,