Ghosts, witches, and creatures of the night
Don’t miss the call of Halloween fright
Compete remotely in the threads of the season
If you miss this socially distanced bash, a zombie apocalypse better be your reason
Enter your photos by the dead-line date
Virtual judging will determine your fate
So costume up in all sorts of disguises
For a chance to win some really ghoul prizes
Be scary or funny with capes or veils
Be in full costume; below are all the haunting details
Opens: Friday, October 21 at 8:00 a.m.
Closes: Monday, November 1 at 5:00 p.m.
The Rules
- Staff members from campus are eligible to participate in the 2022 Virtual Halloween Costume Contest. (Sorry, faculty members and academic personnel are not eligible.)
- Use the survey to enter the contest and submit photos of you alone, with family (including pets), with friends, or with colleagues.
Survey Tips** Pressing the right arrow button at the bottom of the survey will submit your Halloween Costume Contest survey. Please do not press it until you are done and have nothing else to submit. If you are not yet done with your submission, just close the survey window and you can continue it by opening the link to the survey again in the same browser that you used. - IMPORTANT! Costumes may not be worn onsite at UCI Medical Center, UCI Health ambulatory clinics or affiliated sites. Costumes may be worn at campus if allowed by your manager/supervisor. Please discuss your intent to wear a costume to work with your manager or supervisor prior to doing so.
One winner will be selected in each of the following categories:
- Best Group (judges choice)
- Most Creative (judges choice)
- Scariest (judges choice)
- Most Like the Real Deal (judges choice)
Amazon e-gift cards.
Winners will be emailed and announced on the Staff Assembly website on Friday, November 4.
Contact: Staff Assembly Staff Appreciation Committee Chair, Joani Harrington, e: