Elected Administrative Officers

Any UCI Staff Assembly member who has completed probation or is otherwise considered to be a regular status career employee and who is not exclusively represented is eligible to serve as a UCI Staff Assembly Officer or Committee Chair. Represented staff may participate in committees and serve as a Standing Committee Chair, but cannot serve as an elected Administrative Officer.

Jump to a job description:

Vice Chair (3 year commitment)

The person elected Vice Chair serves three consecutive one year terms, each in a different position: Vice Chair, Chair, and Immediate Past Chair. The specific requirements of each position are detailed below.

Term of Office
  • 3 years
  • Three consecutive July to June one year terms. First as Vice Chair, then as Chair, then as Immediate Past Chair
Job Requirements
  • A desire to be more engaged with the campus community
  • Non-represented, full-time staff
  • Ability to lead a volunteer staff group
  • Ability to make diplomatic and strategic decisions
  • Comfort working on a collaborative team
  • Availability between noon and 2pm on the second Thursday of each month for the monthly Council meeting
  • Availability as needed for additional meeting with leadership and other campus groups
  • Budget acumen and familiarity with KFS
  • The support of your supervisor
  • Leadership and organizational skills
  • Work with a diverse group of volunteers
  • Work to improve staff engagement
  • Exposure to campus leaders

Vice Chair (First Year)

  • Provide general leadership support to the Chair
  • Carry out special projects, as identified or assigned
  • Serve as Chair of the Excellence in Leadership Award Nomination Committee
  • Serve as Chair of the Staff Assembly Election Committee
Time Commitment
  • 1 – 10 hours per week, depending on current projects
  • One two-hour Staff Assembly Council meeting per month
Duties as prescribed in the Staff Assembly Bylaws

The duties of the Vice Chair shall be to: Carry out special projects; Perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair; Serve as liaison to UCI Staff Assembly Council Standing and Special Committees; Serve as Chair of the Nomination and Election Process; Serve as Chair of the Excellence in Leadership Award Nomination Committee and liaison with the Human Resources coordinator for the annual Staff Service Awards Ceremony; Serve as policy and procedure coordinator and conduct annual review of Bylaws in consultation with the Chair and Immediate Past Chair; Assume the office of Chair after the completion of term as Vice Chair

Chair (Second Year)

  • Send out request to council members for monthly meeting updates
  • Prepare monthly council meeting notes and agenda
  • Attend and execute the monthly Staff Assembly Council Meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month
  • Update the council and volunteer email listservs
  • Attend monthly and quarterly meetings with campus leaders
  • Prepare and manage the annual Staff Assembly budget
  • Approve all charges and reimbursements in KFS
  • Attend CACS meetings as the Staff Assembly exofficio
  • Attend the campus budget, Zot Portal and other campuswide committee meetings as requested
  • Recruit, review and appoint non-elected council positions
  • Review and approve monthly council minutes
  • Oversee council-wide programming implemented by elected administrative officers and non-elected council positions for the following council committees: Staff Appreciation, Community Relations, Education and Enrichment, and Scholarship
  • Respond to all inquiries received into our “Contact Us” email box
  • Train chairs and committee members on roles and responsibilities
Time commitment
  • 5-10 hours per week
  • One two-hour Staff Assembly Council meeting per month
Duties as prescribed in the Staff Assembly Bylaws

The duties of the Chair shall be to: Schedule meetings, establish agendas, preside at all meetings of the UCI Staff Assembly and of the Council; Approve all expenditures of funds; Sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the UCI Staff Assembly; Serve on University committees and councils as a representative of the Staff Assembly; Manage policy and procedural operations for the Council in accordance with the Bylaws; Mentor Vice Chair in preparation for their term as Chair; Assume the role of the Immediate Past Chair when term expires

Immediate Past Chair (Third Year)

  • Write a summary of the previous year for public distribution
  • Carry out special projects as identified or assigned
  • Mentor the Chair, Vice Chair, and other Council members
Time Commitment
  • 1 – 2 hours per week
  • One two-hour Staff Assembly Council meeting per month
Duties as prescribed in the Staff Assembly Bylaws

The duties of the Immediate Past Chair shall be to: Mentor new Council members; Perform special projects at the discretion of the Chair in consultation with the Vice Chair; Create an annual report for Council summarizing activities and recommendations at the close of the Chair term, to be submitted to the Chair in time for the annual planning meeting of the Council

Council Communications & Special Programs Chair Elect: 2 year term (Council Communications  Special Programs Chair Elect, Council Communications & Special Programs Chair)

Term of Office
  • 2 years
  • Two consecutive July to June one year terms. First as Council Communications and Special Programs Chair Elect, then as Council Communications and Special Programs Chair
Job Requirements
  • Must attend council meetings to take minutes (2 hours/month)
  • Non-represented, full-time staff
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to prioritize communication and outreach efforts
  • Experience managing or hosting events
  • Program development skills
  • The support of your supervisor
  • Provide secretarial duties for council, including taking notes and compiling minutes for each meeting
  • Coordinate council-wide communications and prioritize in partnership with leadership, web communications, and marketing committees
  • Organize special events such as Executive Forums
  • Organize monthly (Sept.-Nov., Jan.-May) Lunch with Leadership events. This includes:
    • Contacting guest speakers in July-August to set up the calendar for the upcoming year
    • Recruiting hosts from Staff Assembly Committee
    • Reserving room space for group lunch meeting and place catering orders with approved vendors
    • Creating EEE sign up sheets and reviewing guest lists
    • Collecting receipts for finance purposes/keeping within budget
Time Commitment
  • Must be available 2nd Thursday of each month from 12-2pm for council meetings
  • Depending on event schedule, 1-3 hours per event on a monthly basis
  • ~5 hours a month for communications coordination and program development
  • Networking with campus leaders
  • Working with colleagues across campus
  • Planning and organizational skills
  • Comprehensive communication and outreach experience
  • Special program assessment and design skills
Duties as prescribed in the Staff Assembly Bylaws

The duties of the Council Communications and Special Programs Officer shall be to: mentor the Communications and Special Programs Chair-Elect
b. Organize special programs to include Executive Forums, Lunchtime events and other events and pilot programs as determined by the Council
c. Assist in the preparation of a written year-end report of Council activities

The duties of the Communications and Special Programs Chair-Elect shall be to: perform necessary secretarial duties as directed by the Chair. Duties include: record and distribute minutes of all Council proceedings; maintain Council roster, meeting and event calendars, in conjunction with Web Communications Chairs; support the Council Communications and Special Programs Chair as needed with special events; work with Marketing and Web Communications Chairs to oversee council-wide communications to ensure efficiency of outreach and provide back-up assistance as needed

Finance Chair Elect (2 year commitment)

The person elected Finance Chair Elect serves two consecutive one year terms, each in a different position: Finance Chair Elect and Finance Chair. The specific requirements of each position are detailed below.

Term of Office
  • 2 years
  • Two consecutive July to June one year terms. First as Finance Chair Elect, then as Finance Chair.
Job Requirements:
  • Attend council meetings
  • Non-represented, full-time staff
  • Knowledge of Kuali Financial System
  • The support of your supervisor
Time Commitment
  • Must be available 2nd Thursday of each month from 12-2pm for council meetings
  • Depending on the number of transactions to be processed, approximately 2 hours per month
  • Interacting and networking with campus leaders
  • Getting familiarity with KFS and account management
  • Working with colleagues across campus

Finance Chair Elect (First Year)

  • Shadow the Finance Chair to become familiarized with SA accounts
  • Serve as backup to the Finance Chair
Duties as Prescribed in the Staff Assembly Bylaws

The duties of the Finance Chair-Elect shall be to: deposit all cash and checks associated with UCI Staff Assembly funds; communicate regularly and work closely with the Finance Chair in order to garner an understanding of the Staff Assembly funding and business practices, and in the absence of the Finance Chair, the Finance Chair-Elect will perform the duties of the Finance Chair.

Finance Chair (Second Year)

  • Process KFS transactions including:
    • Invoice payments
    • Reimbursements
    • Vendor onboarding
    • Setting up Purchase Orders
    • Overseeing recharges to SA accounts
  • Monthly ledger reconciliation and provide monthly and periodic reports to the Council
  • Work with SA Chair and Vice Chair to develop the budget for the following fiscal year
  • Fiscal year close and final reporting to the SA Chair/Vice Chair
  • Manage KSAMS access as Staff Assembly Council member changes
Duties as Prescribed in the Staff Assembly Bylaws

The duties of the Finance Chair shall be to: have knowledge of UCI Policies and Procedures pertaining to standard accounting practices in order to prepare the annual operating budget in consultation with the Staff Assembly Chair and Executive Leadership Sponsors: Associate Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Executive, Director of Finance & Operations; prepare a quarterly budget report; prepare the annual budget request letter and supporting documentation; distribute budget expense template to committee chairs for annual approval of projected expenses; review and approve reimbursements to Staff Assembly volunteers and payments to vendors; provide oversight of the budget and finances; process, review, and approve financial documents in accordance with UCI Policies and Procedures; ensure program expenditures align with budget availability; report the status of accounts at each regular meeting of the Staff Assembly Council; communicate regularly with, and serve as a mentor to, the Finance Chair-Elect and, in collaboration with the Finance Chair-Elect, maintain all necessary accounting records pertaining to receipt and disbursement of funds

CUCSA First Year Delegate (2 year commitment)

The person elected CUCSA First Year Delegate serves two consecutive one year terms, each in a different position: CUCSA First Year Delegate and CUCSA Second Year Delegate. The requirements of each position are the same, but the Second Year Delegate will have the optional opportunity to take on more senior roles within CUCSA, such as Workgroup Chair.

CUCSA stands for Council of UC Staff Assemblies. CUCSA represents staff at the UC system-wide level.

Term of Office
  • 2 years
  • Two consecutive July to June one year terms. First as CUCSA First Year Delegate, then as CUCSA Second Year Delegate
Job Requirements
  • Broad knowledge of UC and location
  • Broad knowledge of staff and staff issues
  • Demonstrated strong communication and analytical skills
  • Ability to consider and speak to issues from various perspectives
  • Commitment to attend and participate fully in quarterly CUCSA meetings and engage in
  • Requires attendance of all quarterly CUCSA meetings. Must be able to confirm availability to attend UC wide meetings on the first Wednesday – Friday of Sept, Dec, March & June for the term beginning July and ending in June. We ask you to please confirm these dates on your calendar prior to running for this position.
  • The support of your supervisor
  • Attend all official functions of CUCSA meetings
  • Serve as conduit between CUCSA and the local staff association
  • Actively participate on a minimum of one committee or workgroup involving significant work between quarterly CUCSA meetings
  • Actively participate in writing the final report of the committee or workgroup
  • Serve as the Chair or Vice Chair of a committee or work group if selected for that role
Time Commitment
  • 2 – 5 hours per week for CUCSA-related business (more time may be required for workgroup responsibilities or to prepare for quarterly meetings)
  • One workgroup conference call every 2 – 3 weeks
  • One two-hour Staff Assembly Council meeting per month
  • One three-day meeting per quarter at a UC campus (the host campus changes for each meeting)
    • Funding for travel costs is provided
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of issues affecting staff at a UC system-wide level
  • Learn about the operations of other UC campuses first-hand
  • Develop a network of peers across the UC system
  • Quarterly travel to UC campuses
Duties as Prescribed in the Staff Assembly Bylaws

The duties of the two (2) CUCSA Delegates shall be to: travel to and serve as the liaison for UCI Staff Assembly at the quarterly meetings of the system-wide Council of the University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA). Delegates will provide summary reports of all CUCSA meetings during their attendance at monthly Council meetings and as requested at monthly meetings with the Executive Leadership Sponsor: Associate Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Executive, and annual meetings with the Provost and with the Chancellor. The 2nd Year CUCSA Delegate shall mentor the 1st Year CUCSA Delegate. Both delegates are expected to become familiar with the information on the CUCSA website. Approximately every three years, UCI Staff Assembly hosts the CUCSA meeting, and both delegates will be responsible for managing the meeting planning and hosting the delegation.