Staff Assembly Bylaws
Last Revised: July 11, 2024
The name of this organization shall be the Staff Assembly of the University of California, Irvine, hereinafter referred to as the UCI Staff Assembly.
ARTICLE II – Objectives
The objectives of UCI Staff Assembly are:
- To identify and promote the interests of the staff of the University of California, Irvine, hereinafter referred to as UCI, and to provide a forum for discussion of those interests
- To bolster and facilitate dialogue between staff employees and the administration
- To promote a collegial work environment through the support and development of activities which serve UCI, the community and the University of California system.
ARTICLE III – Membership
All persons employed by UCI who do not hold academic appointments nor voting membership in the Academic Senate, Associated Students of UCI (ASUCI), Associated Graduate Students of UCI (AGSUCI), or Association of Medical Students (AMS) are members of the UCI Staff Assembly.
ARTICLE IV – Scope of Responsibility
- To gather and provide relevant information to the decision-making process on issues affecting staff and the University.
- To support and develop activities which serve UCI, the community, and the University of California system.
- To serve as an official nominating body for staff appointments to administrative committees, search committees, and task forces.
- To participate actively in various campus and Staff Assembly sponsored events as needed.
ARTICLE V – Organization
The UCI Staff Assembly shall consist of the general membership as noted in Article III, elected Officers who provide administrative and organizational leadership to the UCI Staff Assembly as described in Article VI, appointed chairs of Standing Committees as defined in Article VII, and special committees convened as described in Article VII. UCI Staff Assembly business is coordinated through the Council. Council membership is defined in Article VIII. The duties of the Council shall be to:
- conduct the affairs of the UCI Staff Assembly
- act appropriately on all matters presented to the Council
- inform the appropriate Campus or University authority, in writing and on behalf of UCI Staff Assembly, of decisions which are approved by the Council or UCI Staff Assembly as a whole.
ARTICLE VI – Administrative Officers
Section 1.
Administrative Officers are expected to attend the monthly council meetings with any exceptions considered at the discretion of the Chair. Attendance and participation are considered a minimum requirement. An Administrative Officer may be removed from office if they neglect to fulfill the minimum requirements of the position by a vote of no confidence by the Council. An Administrative Officer vacancy shall be appointed by the Council until the next general election. Duties may be re-delegated by a majority vote of the Council.
The Officers of the UCI Staff Assembly shall be:
- Chair
- Vice Chair (aka Chair-Elect)
- Immediate Past Chair
- Finance Chair
- Finance Chair-Elect
- Communications and Special Programs Chair
- Communications and Special Programs Chair – Elect
- Second (2nd) Year CUCSA Delegate
- First (1st) Year CUCSA Delegate
- Immediate Past CUCSA Delegate
All Administrative Officers shall be convened as the UCI Staff Assembly Council, hereinafter referred to as Council.
Council leadership responsibilities are divided among four functional areas, each with a series of roles. Once elected into an entry-level role, the incumbent will automatically progress into the next role in the sequence each year until the series for that functional area is completed. The role sequences for each functional area are as follows:
Functional Area | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Staff Assembly Chair | Vice Chair | Chair | Immediate Past Chair |
Finance | Finance Chair – Elect | Finance Chair | N/A |
Communications & Special Programs | Communications & Special Programs Chair – Elect | Communications & Special Programs Chair | N/A |
CUCSA Delegate | First Year CUCSA Delegate | Second Year CUCSA Delegate | Immediate Past CUCSA Delegate* |
*The Immediate Past CUCSA Delegate role has a term of office of approximately 3 months, from July 1st through the commencement of the first CUCSA meeting of the year in September.
Section 2.
Any UCI Staff Assembly member who has completed probation or is otherwise considered to be a regular status career employee and who is not exclusively represented is eligible to serve as a UCI Staff Assembly Officer or Committee Chair. Represented staff may participate in committees and serve as a Standing Committee Chair, but cannot serve as an elected Administrative Officer.
Section 3. The duties of the Chair shall be to:
a. Schedule meetings, establish agendas, preside at all meetings of the UCI Staff Assembly and of the Council
b. Approve all expenditures of funds
c. Sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the UCI Staff Assembly
d. Serve on University committees and councils as a representative of the Staff Assembly
e. Manage policy and procedural operations for the Council in accordance with the Bylaws
f. Mentor Vice Chair in preparation for their term as Chair
g. Assume the role of the Immediate Past Chair when term expires
h. Serve as Chair of the Past Leadership Advisory Group
- Section 4. The duties of the Vice Chair shall be to:
a. Carry out special projects
b. Perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair
c. Serve as liaison to UCI Staff Assembly Council Standing and Special Committees
d. Serve as Chair of the Nomination and Election Process
e. Serve as Chair of the Excellence in Leadership Award Nomination Committee and liaison with the Human Resources coordinator for the annual Staff Service Awards Ceremony
f. Serve as policy and procedure coordinator and conduct annual review of Bylaws in consultation with the Chair and Immediate Past Chair
g. Assume the office of Chair after the completion of term as Vice Chair
Section 5. The duties of the Immediate Past Chair shall be to:
a. Mentor new Council members
b. Perform special projects at the discretion of the Chair in consultation with the Vice Chair
c. Create an annual report for Council summarizing activities and recommendations at the close of the Chair term, to be submitted to the Chair in time for the annual planning meeting of the Council
d. Under direction of the Chair, administer the Past Leadership Advisory Group.
Section 6.
The duties of the Communications and Special Programs Chair shall be to:
a. Mentor the Communications and Special Programs Chair-Elect
b. Organize special programs to include Executive Forums, Lunchtime events and other events and pilot programs as determined by the Council
c. Assist in the preparation of a written year-end report of Council activities
Section 7.
The duties of the Communications and Special Programs Chair-Elect shall be to perform necessary secretarial duties as directed by the Chair. Duties include:
a. Record and distribute minutes of all Council proceedings
b. Maintain Council roster, meeting and event calendars, in conjunction with Web Communications Chairs
c. Support the Council Communications and Special Programs Chair as needed with special events
d. Work with Marketing and Web Communications Chairs to oversee council-wide communications to ensure efficiency of outreach and provide back-up assistance as needed
Section 8.
The duties of the Finance Chair shall be to:
a. Have knowledge of UCI Policies and Procedures pertaining to standard accounting practices in order to prepare the annual operating budget in consultation with the Staff Assembly Chair and Executive Leadership Sponsors: Associate Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Executive, Director of Finance & Operations
b. Prepare a quarterly budget report
c. Prepare the annual budget request letter and supporting documentation
d. Distribute budget expense template to committee chairs for annual approval of projected expenses
e. Review and approve reimbursements to Staff Assembly volunteers and payments to vendors
f. Provide oversight of the budget and finances
g. Process, review, and approve financial documents in accordance with UCI Policies and Procedures
h. Ensure program expenditures align with budget availability
i. Report the status of accounts at each regular meeting of the Staff Assembly Council
j. Communicate regularly with, and serve as a mentor to, the Finance Chair-Elect and, in collaboration with the Finance Chair-Elect, maintain all necessary accounting records pertaining to receipt and disbursement of funds
Section 9.
The duties of the Finance Chair-Elect shall be to prepare, initiate, and manage the financial transactions of Staff Assembly, and submit them to the Finance Chair for review and approval. Duties may include:
a. Depositing all cash and checks associated with UCI Staff Assembly funds
b. Processing reimbursements for Staff Assembly volunteers and payments to vendors
c. Communicating regularly and working closely with the Finance Chair in order to garner an understanding of the Staff Assembly funding and business practices
In the absence of the Finance Chair, the Finance Chair-Elect will perform the duties of the Finance Chair.
Assume the role of Finance Chair at the conclusion of Finance Chair-Elect term.
Section 10. The duties of the two (2) CUCSA Delegates shall be to:
a. Travel to and serve as the liaison for UCI Staff Assembly at the quarterly meetings of the system-wide Council of the University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA)
b. Provide summary reports of all CUCSA meetings during their attendance at monthly Council meetings and as requested at monthly meetings with the Executive Leadership Sponsor: Associate Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Executive, and annual meetings with the Provost and with the Chancellor.
c. Become familiar with the information such as the delegate role and responsibilities document, CUCSA history, and strategic plan on the CUCSA website at
d. When applicable, coordinate CUCSA meetings hosted by UCI Staff Assembly at UCI and host the delegation. This occurs approximately every three years.
The 1st Year CUCSA Delegate shall become the 2nd Year CUCSA Delegate at the end of their one-year term.
The 2nd Year CUCSA Delegate shall mentor the 1st Year CUCSA Delegate. The 2nd Year CUCSA Delegate shall become the Immediate Past CUCSA Delegate at the end of their one-year term. Attend Past Leadership Advisory group meetings on a quarterly basis.
The term of the Immediate Past CUCSA Delegate shall be from the beginning of the fiscal year through the end of the first CUCSA meeting of that year. The Immediate Past CUCSA Delegate does not attend or serve CUCSA, but provides mentorship and guidance to the 1st and 2nd Year Delegates to facilitate a smooth transition. The Immediate Past CUCSA Delegate with the Immediate Past Chair supports the Chair with appointing members to the Past Leadership Advisory Group.
ARTICLE VII – Standing Committees, Special Committees, Ex-Officio, and Past Leadership Advisory Group
Section 1.
The Council Chair shall appoint and re-appoint members to Standing Committees and shall convene Special Committees as needed. The formation of Standing Committees shall be to address long-term goals. Special Committees shall be convened to address short-term goals. Committee Chairs shall embody the Council as appointed members providing suggestions and input on matters of policy for the Council to vote on. Chairs are expected to attend the majority of council meetings to promote and retain the ability to influence decision making over their respective committee activities. Committee Chairs are encouraged to send a delegate from their committee to represent in their absence.
Section 2.
Standing Committees: The duties of a Standing Committee Chair shall be to mobilize volunteer committee members to implement programming at the direction of Council leadership, based on Council, University and UC- wide priorities; serve in the following capacity:
- Community Relations: Develop, coordinate and facilitate local public service opportunities for staff to volunteer, supporting the mission of the University by promoting the importance of public service through volunteerism. This shall include both external and internal opportunities. This committee shall, with the support of Council, strengthen and promote community partnerships.
- Education and Enrichment: Develop, coordinate and facilitate staff-centered opportunities for personal and professional development, and to promote staff engagement in such activities. Engagement events are held both externally and internally to promote morale for staff.
- Marketing Communications: Develop, coordinate and facilitate increased awareness of Staff Assembly and promote all news and events; manage and update social media channels; serve as photographer for Staff Assembly events; and work with Communications and Special Programs Chair and Chair-Elect, and Web Communications Chairs to ensure efficiency of all Council communication efforts and provide back-up assistance as needed.
- Scholarship: Develop, coordinate and facilitate fundraising projects and coordinate the annual scholarship award program for staff; and promote increased awareness of the program.
- Staff Appreciation: Develop, coordinate, and facilitate staff events externally and internally to promote cohesion and morale for staff.
- Web Communications: Develop, coordinate, and facilitate the Council’s web communications and online presence to ensure website information is accurate; keep online calendar up-to-date; and work with Communications and Special Programs Chair-Elect and Marketing Chair to ensure efficiency of all Council communication efforts and provide back-up assistance as needed.
Section 3.
Any UCI Staff Assembly member who has completed probation or is otherwise considered to be a Regular Status Employee and who is not exclusively represented is eligible to serve as a Standing Committee Chair. A Regular Status Employee is a Career Employee who is not required to serve a probationary period, or a Career Employee who has successfully completed a required probationary period.
Section 4.
The term of office for all Standing Committee Chairs shall be one year, commencing on July 1 of each year, without term limits. Upon resignation of a Standing Committee Chair, the Chair, in consultation with Council leadership shall appoint a member from the Standing Committee to serve out the remaining term of office. If no committee members are able to assume the role, the Council may appoint any member of the UCI Staff Assembly as Standing Committee Chair. The Committee Co-Chair shall recommend members of the Standing Committee for consideration. Appointment and Reappointment for Standing Committee Chairs are made annually and as needed due to transitions, by the Council Chair, in consultation with the Vice Chair and Immediate Past Chair.
Section 5.
Each Standing Committee may establish subcommittees, but such subcommittees shall report only through the appropriate Standing Committee. Standing Committees shall submit recommendations or action proposals to the Council for endorsement prior to implementation. Each Standing Committee Chair shall designate and inform the Council of a designated committee member to serve as back-up to the Chair(s).
Section 6.
Special Committees. The Chair, in consultation with the Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair, and Council shall appoint or dissolve Special Committees as necessary. Any UCI Staff Assembly member who has completed probation or is otherwise considered to be a Regular Status Career Employee and who is not exclusively represented is eligible to serve as a Special Committee Chair.
Section 7.
Ex-Officio Members. The Council shall appoint individuals to Ex-Officio roles as needed. Any UCI Staff Assembly member who has completed probation or is otherwise considered to be a Regular Status Career Employee and who is not exclusively represented is eligible to serve as Ex-Officio member. Appointment of Ex-Officio members shall be from a University Department, Unit or Affinity Group representative of staff. Ex-Officio members shall serve to provide expertise on appropriate matters, which the UCI Staff Assembly Council shall elicit. Members are expected to attend the majority of council meetings and retain the ability to execute decision making authority over their respective Department, Unit or Affinity Group. Identification and Selection of Ex-Officio Members should be conducted on an ongoing basis and appointed and re-appointed on an annual basis or as transitions occur.
Section 8.
Past Leadership Advisory Group. The purpose of the Past Leadership Advisory Group is to support and advise the current UCI Staff Assembly Council Chair on their objectives and initiatives during their tenure, including special projects or programs. The UCI Staff Assembly Council Chair, in consultation with the Immediate Past Chair and Immediate Past CUCSA Delegate, shall appoint and remove individuals to the group for a ten-month term, starting September 1 and ending on June 30. Any former elected UCI Staff Assembly Council member who served a full term as Chair and/or CUCSA Delegate is eligible for appointment to the Past Leadership Advisory Group. The Past Leadership Advisory Group is expected to attend the planning meeting for council and meet as a group at least once per quarter. Frequency of meetings and scheduling will be determined by the Chair. Meetings will be administered by the Immediate Past Chair, under the direction of the Chair.
Examples of what the group would do:
- Assist with and support government relations
- Assist with developing methods for outreach
- Provide guidance to the Chair on navigating difficult situations
- Participating in a listening tour (“Lunch with Staff Assembly Leadership”)
- Amplify programs, events, initiatives
- Collaboration with the Chair and HR to implement informative workshops for staff
- Support staff engagement efforts
Section 1.
The Council shall meet no less than monthly on days to be determined by the Council at the first meeting in July. The schedule shall be published on the Staff Assembly website meeting calendar. Special or emergency meetings of the Council can be called by the Chair with forty-eight (48) hours of notice.
Section 2.
There shall be at least one (1) Council planning meeting, convening after July 1 of each Council year. There shall be at least one (1) general meeting per academic year of the UCI Staff Assembly membership. The general meeting can be special format, such as a town hall, employee reception, or open house.
Section 3.
General meetings shall be open to all members of the UCI Staff Assembly as defined in Article III.
Section 4.
Monthly meetings of the Council shall be open to all staff. Voting is limited to Council members, with exception to the Bylaws, which is open to all membership.
Section 5.
University time may be used for all official UCI Staff Assembly business as defined by the Chancellor, Provost and Executive Leadership Sponsor: Associate Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Executive.
ARTICLE IX – Nominations, Elections, and Terms of Office
Section 1.
Each year, the Vice Chair shall conduct the election of officers for the following year, ensuring that the following tasks are performed:
- Review and update of the nomination application, as appropriate,
- Formal review of nominations prior to elections,
- Consultation with nominees on expectations and duties of elected administrative officer positions,
- Confirmation of supervisor approval for each nominee.
The Vice Chair may convene a Nominations and Elections Committee to assist with these duties, comprised of Staff Assembly members who are not running for office in the current election cycle.
Section 2.
No individual’s name shall be put on the ballot unless he/she shall have first been notified of and signed his/her acceptance of the nomination by submitting a statement of intent.
Section 3.
The election shall be by secret ballot. No individual may hold more than one (1) elected position. A plurality of votes cast shall constitute an election.
Section 4.
Elections shall be held annually during the spring, no later than May. Election results shall be announced to the membership in May or June. Nominations and the election shall be conducted in accordance with procedures established by the Nominations and Elections Committee, under the direction of the Vice Chair.
Section 5.
Service shall commence on July 1 of each year, or until successors have been elected. Six (6) months or more service shall be considered a term of office in determining eligibility for re-election. The positions of Vice Chair,1st Year CUCSA Delegate, Communications and Special Programs Chair-Elect, and Finance Chair-Elect are elected annually.
Section 6.
An individual may be elected to the same functional area up to twice in immediate succession. After this, at least one year must elapse before the individual will be eligible for election to that functional area again.
Section 7.
All UCI Staff Assembly members (as defined in Article III) are eligible to vote in UCI Staff Assembly elections and on amendments to the Bylaws.
ARTICLE X – Quorum
Those present at any regularly scheduled general meeting of the UCI Staff Assembly shall constitute a quorum of that body. A majority of the members of the Council or a Standing Committee shall constitute a quorum of that body. A simple majority vote of those present at any meeting of the UCI Staff Assembly or component thereof shall constitute approval. There shall be no voting by proxy.
ARTICLE XI – Amendments to Bylaws
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the UCI Staff Assembly provided the membership has been notified, in writing, thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment(s) are to be voted upon.