Get Involved

Staff Assembly offers several ways to engage with your campus community. There’s something for everybody. This is a great way to network, develop skills, enhance staff culture as well as give back to to our campus community.

Let us know what you are interested in doing as a volunteer. This will help us determine where your talents can be put to use.

Get Involved
Which of the following committees are you interested in volunteering for?
Which of the following elected administrative positions are you interested in running for?
Would you like to learn more about joining Staff Assembly?
Would you like to be added to the Staff Assembly Volunteers Mailing List?

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Volunteers Mailing List

We will occasionally send messages to our volunteer mailing list for support at specific events and activities. These events range from Staff Assembly hosted events like the Staff Picnic, to community service activities. Adding your UCI email address to our list doesn’t obligate you; it gets you in the loop so that you’re aware of opportunities as they arise.